
View the Project on GitHub bernalde/conic_disjunctive


Find here the PAVER reports used in the paper: “Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs Derived from Generalized Disjunctive Programming using Cones” by D.E. Bernal and I.E. Grossmann are available in the repository and arXiv.


The comparison here includes the conic and nonlinear representation of several convex generalized disjunctive programming problems. The instances can be classified into two major families, quadratic (which are representable using the second-order cone) and exponential.

Among the quadratic instances (217 problems) include:

The exponential instances (208 problems) include:

In particular, the reformulations considered were:

The solvers considered for these problems are the following:

Moreover, the instances were solved by controlling the Branch and Bound search using SBB and solving the nonlinear and conic subproblems with KNITRO and MOSEK, respectively.

Paver Reports

Complete benchmark results

The reports can also be downloaded from the repository.